365 Days to a Kick Ass Online Business

December 15, 2015

I’m not happy in my day at this very moment.

I want to be napping but I’m putting together product for my product based business….totally not what I should be working on at the moment. Or evre fro that matter.

It is work that needs to be outsourced so that I can focus on higher level tasks and creating content that only I can create for my brands.

I’m listening to a coaching session from Kat Loterzo and she just talked about looking forward 2-3 decades and feeling that you’re basically doing everything that you want to be doing in this life at that point. What will you be doing and have done by then?

You need to be proud of and recognize how far you’ve come but also know that the time is going to pass no matter if you move forward in your life and business or not.

What are you going to do? What do you want to accomplish in your time here? What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want people to remember you for?

Kat’s new hashtags



I need to #elevatenormal for myself – I started out with an elevated normal today. I took my son to play with his friends and a baby-sitter while I worked at our beautiful club.

It was awesome! I created a Medium account for myself, edited some of my Mompreneur Cheerleader Facebook page, made a periscope (and said that I would spend 25 minutes journaling and discussing what I’m working towards in my business today.

What came from this journaling session: 

365 Days to a Kick Ass Online Business 

I’m challenging myself to keep my business Mompreneur Cheerleader simple at this point in my life. I have a 15 month old son that I stay home with for most of the day (I do have a babysitter occasionally) and I’m hopefully having another baby in 2016 (fingers crossed.)

My idea is one that a friend gave me advice about several years ago and it was along the lines of just getting one thing per day accomplished and you’ll have done 365 things. Now, I know that “thing” is very loose and as a business owner you have way more than 1 thing to do each day so let me elaborate on what I mean for me at least.

My daily 1 Thing is going to be a 20-25 minute task that moves my business forward (not an administrative task) that is either a task all on its own or is a part of a larger THING that’s been broken down into smaller more manageable tasks that will move me towards completing a larger task, i.e. Creating an eCourse, writing a chapter of a book, etc.

I’m also going to create my personal list of nonnegotiable tasks that must be done each day no matter what.  The main and most important being creating my message for the day, sharing it and letting people know that I exist.

Others will include time with my husband and son, a shower, a walk with my son while I listen to some type of training.

I’ve invested in Natalie MacNeil’s Conquer Club for 2016 and will be participating in “quarterly sprints” every 90 days to achieve big results in 4 different areas of my business such as systems, outsourcing, launching a course and writing a book. I just chose my first sprint and it will be “Adventurous Authors” where I will be writing my first book! Super excited!

So I will have 90 day goals and plans that will help determine what I’m working on for my “Daily Thing” each quarter.

Since it is December 15th and there are 10 days until Christmas Day and I’ll officially be “on vacation” (some tech free time) I’m just taking this time to plan out what 2016 is going to look like for me when I’m back in the office so to speak.

What are you doing for the end of this year? Are you going all out trying to meet your financial goals or are you wrapping up and planning for 2016?

Anyway, so for 2106 (and maybe part of the remainder of 2015) I’m going to be sharing the 1 thing that I’m working on to move my business forward and teaching you how I’m doing it if necessary.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you need help with, where you are in your business and what you want to focus on for yourself in 2016 so that I can best support you on your journey too!

So let me know in the comments or via Facebook Messenger or email me at ashly at mompreneurcheerleader.com ~ Thanks so much and I can’t wait to read your suggestions!

XOXO ~ Ashly Jo

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