Attitude of Gratitude Reminder

November 23, 2015


This morning began like any normal day for me waking up and enjoying some coffee, morning cartoons, and cheerios with my 15 month old son and husband.


But then, in an instant, it all changed and was totally fucked up I might add. My son wanted to get off of our bed (which is pretty high up especially for a little 15 month old) and I don’t know what the hell happened but all of a sudden he was bouncing off the bed and onto our very hard wood floor. The only thing to slightly break his fall was a rug next to the bed.


I jumped out of bed and dove on the floor to scoop him up and assess any damage to his little body quickly, thankfully there was nothing wrong with him. I screamed for my husband (which probably scared my son even more) and then ran with him upstairs to find my husband.


It was awful. I was terrified, upset, angry at myself for letting this happen and so was my husband. Thank god everything is fine and he didn’t even really cry that long to be honest. I think he was just scared more than anything.


What a wake up call, that my life can change in an instant and I need to be thankful for what I have in my life every minute of every day. Now I know that it’s not really possible to just be thinking about how grateful you are for your entire day. But I’m sure that I can put in more effort to practicing an attitude of gratitude on a more regular basis.


I had Chinese takeout the other day….ok I’ve had it 2 days in a row, and the fortune cookie said “Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.”


This is timely as I’ve really been having an internal dialogue about sending Hayden to school/daycare now or not.


I LOVE being with him and having a leisurely day with him. Working when I have a sitter 2 hours in the morning 3 days per week and then again during his nap.


BUT, I also feel like WTF? How can I take my business seriously in just those short bursts of time. Because that’s what’s been ingrained in my head from a young age, that you need to put in long hours to be considered a success and to be working hard. Says who?


I know better than this and know that I can create the businesses and life that I want right now in the way I’m currently living. This IS what I wanted after all. To be a stay at home mom with a (few) side businesses and doing what I can during the free time away from my children that I do get.


Then, when they’re in school full time working a more consistent schedule….but I really actually like my life the way that it is and the freedom that I have to do really whatever the hell I want when I want.


(Now I do like to work and I do it pretty much all the time, even if I’m reading non-fiction, listening to business podcasts, reading blog posts, checking into Facebook groups around biz, researching ways to grow my businesses, etc. I’m always doing or thinking about a work action unless I’m just totally checked out and watching The Kardashians or The Real Housewives or Don’t Be Tardy, I’m addicted to this shit, I just love it!)


I get to wake up without an official alarm clock – I do wake up to my son usually.


I get to hang out in bed and watch cartoons and listen to my trainings, motivational audios and read emails and books.


I get to go on two walks per day with my son along the water in gorgeous weather daily.


I get to play outside in our baby pool with my son for as long as we want to.


I get to make my son and myself breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday and eat together.


I get to work in my pool house overlooking the water with an amazing breeze while my son naps.


I get to go on playdates with my son every week and visit with my girlfriends and their babies.


I get to wear exercise clothing (Lulu uniform anyone?) or my bikini everyday


I don’t have to get ready to go anywhere


I dont’ have to answer to a boss and make sure I’m making anyone else money


I get to create any content that I want anytime I want. I make videos, audios and can write any time I want to!


I can hire as many VA’s as I want to help me with my content


I have a cleaning lady 1x per week do the shit I don’t want to do.


I have my groceries delivered if I don’t feel like running to the store.


My husband generally does the cooking in our house and I do the clean up


I can buy anything that I want to buy for myself or my family whenever I want.


We can go out to eat or get take out anytime we want to


We can pretty much take any vacation that we could dream up (we tend to choose family destinations to visit and genuinely love where we live so we tend to stay put often but we could go anywhere we wanted to and we could go first class)


I’m extremely grateful for what the universe has helped me to achieve in my life and for myself, I’m also proud as we know that we have to make our own luck and make things happen in our lives.


I set the intentions to have these things in my life and I’ve achieved them and you can too. And I can assure you that having a negative and entitled attitude and not being appreciative of what the universe has provided to you thus far in your life is not going to get you the life that you desire.


Having an “Attitude of Gratitude” is a practice and my practice of it goes in waves. I forget to do it sometimes and then that snowballs and pretty soon things are sort of going to shit because you’re not proactively asking and being thankful for what the universe is providing to you.


You’re focusing on the negative and getting more of, yup you guessed it, more of the negative.


Time to just try it out, if you’re not actively practicing an attitude of gratitude exercise already, start one today, right now, seriously right this second.


Take Action Here: Write down the top 3 things that you’re grateful for right now – the first three things that come into your head.


Even if it’s the Starbucks Venti, non-fat, upside-down, 3 Splenda Caramel Macchiato that you just ordered and are enjoying. (yummy – even though I just got this the other day and said to myself afterwords, what an asshole order! but I love it what can I say! I want one right now!)


Be thankful that you can piss away $5.50 USD on a fucking coffee!


So after you’ve written the 3 for now keep up this habit and try to journal for even a few minutes each day when you wake up and/or when you go to bed and you will see a difference


My lesson for today is to as my Chinese fortune cookie said, to learn to love every minute of your life, because you can’t be sure what tomorrow or even later today has in store for you.


I’m grateful for all of the things I’ve listed above and for all of the other things that I haven’t mentioned in this post and I will not be sending my son to school yet, I’m going to learn to love every minute of the time that I get to spend with him and also love the minutes when I’ve chosen not to be with him and to make the most out of that time. It will be spent on creating content that I’m called to share, spending time on self love and self care so that I have what I need, and anything that lights me up.


I’m no longer willing to spend my precious time on this planet doing things that irritate me or  interacting with people that irritate me. I don’t have to and neither do you.


Be selfish with your time because this is your one and only life and your one and only today, you aren’t getting any of the last hour, day, week back, are you happy with what you’ve done, whom you’ve been with, and where it’s leading you? I hope you are but if you’re not now’s the time to change your path and start being grateful for everything and everyone in your life and learning to love every minute of every day of your life.


This is your life, take the reigns.


You only get one today.


Ask yourself this question: Are you living your dream life? If not now, when?


You aren’t getting today back, have you used it wisely? Have you used it as you intend to?


There’s only one today, get started (with whatever you’ve been waiting to do) right now!


Have a sense of urgency around creating and living your dream life now because you aren’t getting today back & you can never be certain what tomorrow will bring.

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