I’m sure that this is a question that many aspiring coaches are asking themselves and scouring the internet and kindle books for the answer to.
My interpretation of the answer to this is that you don’t try to get your first coaching client. What you do is commit to doing the daily success habits every single day, day in and day out, come hell or high water, NO MATTER WHAT – and you will start to attract your ideal clients and they will be begging to work with you!
You commit to becoming visible in this great big world
You put yourself and your message out there every single day – a few times ideally – and you very quickly see the email sign ups to your list and the downloads of your free challenges and content and ecourses that are of value to your ideal clients.
You’re calling them in each and every day because you’re doing your at least 10 sales activities each day – asking people to sign up for your email list and to become a part of your community, asking them to tell you how you can help them, offering your products and services.
You don’t just build a website and tell a few people here and there that you’re now open for business as a life and biz coach and mentor – you tell the entire world each and everyday!
People aren’t going to come and find you from your sporadic once in awhile emails, blog posts, videos, etc.
You need to be delivering content that that makes a difference in your Ideal Clients life – teach them something, solve a problem that they have, inspire them to be more, do more, have more, to take action, motivate them, entertain them – or as many of those as you can.
What are the expectations that you have of the coaches, mentors, business owners, celebrities, etc. that you look up to and would love to work with, be friends with, mastermind with, surround yourself with?
What do you EXPECT to see when you go to their website?
a professional looking site, pro photos, a free opt in offer, an engaging about page, a work with me page, testimonials, blog, free training, contact info, social media links, recommendations, welcome video, easy navigation to follow, clear explanation of what they do and how it can help you, PRESS mentions, fame and visibility proof, why should I work with them
What do you EXPECT to see when you sign up for their email list? What do you expect to see from the opt-in gift that they’ve given to you?
an email (at least) as often as they said that I’d receive one, a pro looking newsletter with header and unsubscribe info, a logical follow up sequence, easy to get into contact with them for help or questions
a pro looking PDF worksheets along with the video or audio training that they’ve promised, an easy way to share the info of the opt in, beautiful graphics and photos
What do you EXPECT to see on their social media profiles?
consistent engagement, consistent posting, inspirational messages, personal posts and reality TV like posts, a recent periscope or live stream to consume, a recent blog post to consume, links to their website, CTA’s on posts,
What do you EXPECT them to charge for their services?
I’m comfortable with pricing sort of all over the board so that they are able to work with their ideal clients on every financial level from the consumers of only free content that may be younger and just starting out to the VIP High level consumer that literally purchases all of the programs offered from the $2.99 ebook to the $25,000 private intensive Mastermind Coaching.
What do you EXPECT that they offer for their products and services?
ebooks, free opt in trainings, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, retreats in amazing locations, eCourses,
You have to be sharing your message and your helpful and inspiring content daily no matter what – when you have 0 clients and email list subscribers and the paint on your website is still drying – and you have to keep sharing it and completing your daily success habits everyday when you have 10,000 clients and 100,000 email list subscribers.
There is no difference in the way that you should be sharing your message with the world. The number of people that are watching doesn’t make a difference, you share because you have to, because you’re committed to getting your first and then second and then third and then fourth clients and to not stoping.
To not stopping just because it’s really hard to do this shit everyday when nobody is watching. To not stopping just because you’ve been doing it for 3 weeks and nothing has happened yet. Challenge yourself to just keep going – You really can make a difference in your life, this world, the lives of others, in whatever way you want to if you just don’t ever stop.
What are the daily habits that you will commit to cultivating for yourself to achieve the dream and goal that you have in your mind and your heart set on at the moment? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below or send me a Facebook PM and let me know. Or better yet – join and post in my Facebook Group – Mompreneur Cheerleader Accountability FREE Group.
I’d love for you to join me email list and let me help turn you into the Rich, Hot SuperMompreneur we both know that you’re born to be!